In the tourism industry, translation is a basic necessity. Whether it is in a hotel, travel agency or any other type of travel-related business, these companies want to reach as many people as possible, and in as many countries as possible. How can we communicate with each other if we speak different languages? The answer is translation.

If translations have always been important for companies related to tourism, with the outreach of internet, it is now even more so. Translations about tourist information are a “must” in this industry. Tourism has adapted well to the digital world, and we have become accustomed to booking hotels online. Three out of four people now book their vacations online, rather than going to a travel agency. For reasons such as this one, any company dedicated to tourism must take into account languages. Lingualink Solutions uses languages as a business tool to support tour operators, hotels, travel agencies, airlines and tourism offices. In today’s globalized world and in such a competitive industry, speaking the language of your customers is an advantage.

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